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Se afișează postările cu eticheta acumulator stationar. Afișați toate postările

luni, 2 noiembrie 2015

Acumulator stationar 12V 18Ah Effekta BT12-18

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Achizitionand un acumulator Effekta de calitate se pot evita evenimente neplacute ca deteriorarea echipamentelor sensibile sau pierderea datelor. Toate sursele neintreruptibile de putere line-interactive Effekta sunt echipate cu circuite de stabilizare a tensiunii A.V.R., in timp ce UPS-urile de tip on-line dubla conversie stabilizeaza perfect tensiunea si elimina toate variatiile si perturbatiile retelei de alimentare, tensiunea redata spre consumatori fiind creata artificial din curent continuu. Fiecare UPS Effekta contine acumulator VRLA - Valve Regulated Lead Acid, baterie uscata pe baza de plumb-acid, fara mentenanta.

Caracteristici tehnice ale acumulatorului solar Effekta BT 12-18
• Tensiune: 12 V;
• Marimea sarcinii electrice: 18 Ah;
• Adancime: 181 mm;
• Latime: 77 mm;
• Inaltime: 167 mm;
• Inaltime totala: 167 mm;
• Greutate: 5.7 kg.

Durata de viata 4-5 ani, in cazul in care se tine pe raft si se incarca anual
Garantie 12 luni

UPS-uri - surse neintreruptibile de putere - UPS line-interactive, UPS on-line cu dubla conversie, UPS rackabil RM - Rack-mountable. Acumulatoare: VRLA cu durata preconizata de viata de 5 sau 10 ani ! UPS-uri monofazate si trifazate. Spectru larg de autonomie. Acumulatori UPS: 6V 3,2Ah, 6V 12Ah, 12V 1,2Ah, 12V 2,3Ah, 12V 2,8Ah, 12V 3,2Ah, 12V 5Ah, 12V 7Ah, 12V 9,5Ah, 12V 12Ah, 12V 18Ah, 12V 20Ah, 12V 28Ah, 12V 33Ah, 12V 45Ah, 12V 55Ah, 12V 60Ah, 12V 65Ah, 12V 75Ah, 12V 80Ah, 12V 90Ah, 12V 100Ah, 12V 120Ah, 12V 150Ah, 12V 200Ah, 6V 100Ah. Baterii cu gel

Acumulator 12V 5Ah Effekta BT12-5

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Acumulatorii Effekta BT 12-5 asigura o eficacitate ridicata, nu necesita intretinere si au o capacitate functionala pe parcursul intregului ciclu de viata. Effekta BT 12-5 au proprietati speciale care sunt necesare pentru a asigura o locuinta sau o cladire cu energie regenerabila. Foarte important de stiut este faptul ca, in cazul unor rasturnari sau scurgeri ale acestor baterii, electrolitul din interior nu se varsa, el fiind absorbit intr-un material din fibre de sticla. Acumulatorii Effekta BT 12-5 sunt convenabili de folosit in cazul unor aplicatii ce necesita curent de sarcina ridicata, cum ar fi pornirea motoarelor, sisteme de telecomunicatii sau de securitate.

Caracteristici tehnice ale acumulatorilor solari fotovoltaici Effekta BT 12-5
• Tensiune: 12 V;
• Marimea sarcinii electrice: 5 Ah;
• Adancime: 90 mm;
• Latime: 70 mm;
• Inaltime: 101 mm;
• Inaltime totala: 170 mm;
• Greutate: 2.06 kg.
Durata de viata 4-5 ani, in cazul in care se tine pe raft si se incarca anual.
Garantie 12 luni.

Acumulatori stationari VRLA GEL sau AGM pentru tractiune, Acumulator AGM 12V 6,1A TED - Globstar - produs: Acumulator stationar VRLA 12V 6,1Ah marca TED Dimensiuni 90mm x 70mm x h98mm Borne de putere F2 de 6,3mm latime Experienta noastra de peste 22 ani, Acumulator AGM 6V 13A TED - Globstar - produs:Baterie Acumulator Solar, Calciu, Gel, AGM, Deep Cycle, VRLA, Li-ion, Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 6V 13Ah marca TED borne F1 de 4,8mm latime, Lucas CP613 GDLITE GD-613 Alien PS13-6 BSB GB13.1 Swisslite Romania cantar, telecomenzi, baterii pentru jucarii Acumulatori etansi VRLA 12V & 24V Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 12V 1,4Ah marca TED Dimensiuni 97mm x BSB GB12-1,6 RITAR RT1216 Romania pret FC12-1.6 MaxPower LP1.6-12, Alege acum un acumulator potrivit ! Avem in oferta acumulatori stationari, de tip GEL, VRLA, AGM si pentru tractiune la preturi avantajoase Acumulator etans 12V 21A TED AGM High Rate - Globstar - produs:Acumulatori stationari VRLA GEL sau AGM pentru tractiune, Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 21Ah TED Dimensiuni 181mm x 76mm x h167mm. BR1000G APC PRO 1000 UP-VW1245P1 Panasonic 6 bucati sunt necesare, Acumulator etans 12V 9,5A TED AGM - Globstar - produs:Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 9,5Ah TED TD295 borna de putere F2 6,35mm latime. Inlocuiesc vechiul model 12V 9Ah Dimensiuni 151mm x 65mm x h95mm Se, Acumulator etans 12V 7,1A TED AGM - Baterie Acumulator Solar, Calciu, Gel, AGM, Deep Cycle, VRLA, Li-ion Globstar - produs:Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 7,1Ah TED TD1271F1 borna de putere F2 6,35mm latime. Inlocuiesc vechiul model 12V 7Ah Dimensiuni 151mm x 65mm x h95mm, Acumulator AGM 6V 14,2A TED - Globstar - produs:Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 6V 14,2Ah marca TED borne F2 de 6,3mm latime, telecomenzi, baterii pentru jucarii Acumulatori etansi VRLA 12V & 24V, Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 5,8Ah de inalta calitate High Rate cu borna de putere F2 T2 6,35mm dimensiuni 90mm x 70mm x h98mm TED TD1258. Pretul este, Acumulator stationar VRLA 6V 4,2Ah marca TED Dimensiuni 70mm x 48mm x h101mm, Alien PS4.2-6 BSB GB6-4.2 Swisslite Romania cantar GDLITE GD-642 HQ telecomenzi, baterii pentru jucarii Acumulatori etansi VRLA 12V & 24V Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 5,2Ah de inalta calitate High Rate cu borna de putere F2 T2 6,35mm dimensiuni 90mm x 70mm x h98mm TED TD1252 Pretul este, Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 7.3Ah TED borna de putere F2 6,35mm latime. Inlocuiesc vechiul model 12V 7,2Ah Dimensiuni 151mm x 65mm x h95mm, Sumar: Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 12V 7,05Ah marca TED Dimensiuni 90mm x 70mm x h98mm Borne F2 de 6,3mm latime Experienta noastra, Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 18,5Ah TED. Inlocuieste vechile modele 12V 17Ah, 12V 18Ah, 12V 19Ah Dimensiuni 181mm x 76mm x h 167mm Telefonati, Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 12V 8,1Ah marca TED, Acumulatori stationari VRLA GEL sau AGM pentru tractiune, Dimensiuni 151mm x 65mm x h95mm Borne de putere F2 de 6,3mm latime Experienta noastra, Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 12V 1,4Ah marca TED Dimensiuni 97mm, CHROME BSB GB12-6,1 RITAR RT1261 Romania pret FC12-6.1 MaxPower, Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 6V 9,1Ah marca TED borne F2 de 6,3mm latime, telecomenzi, baterii pentru jucarii Acumulatori etansi VRLA 12V & 24V, Stabilizator de tensiune marca TED cu trei leduri ce reprezinta STATUS, pentru telecomenzi, baterii pentru jucarii Acumulatori etansi VRLA 12V & 24V, Glob Star Trade | Facebook › Helyek › Bukarest › Elektronikai szerviz,Acumulator etans 12V 7.1A TED - Globstar - produs: Acumulator etans 12V 7.1A TED. Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 7.1Ah TED borna F2 6,3mm latime. acumulator 12v 7ah - acumulator electric heater china acumulatori dzm 12-6 acumulator tico auto acumulator 12v 4ah 10cm 8cm 6cm accumulator acumulator gel 200ah zapp 12 v 7 ah - Acumulator Globstar 12V 7Ah RT1270 Va recomandam noul acumulatorul stationar VRLA GEL sau AGM pentru tractiune Globstar RT1270 de 12V / 7Ah / 20 Hr Dimensiunile reduse si carcasa etans si foarte, Acumulator 6v Bucuresti - Preturi importatori, producatori - Vanzare › Electrice › Baterii si Acumulatori, Acumulator Globstar 6V 12Ah RT6120 Bateriile stationare Caranda By BSB din seria GB 6-10 sunt sigilate si pot fi instalate in orice pozitie. Acumulator stationar 6V 2.9Ah TED de la Mediafun acumulator 12v

UPS-uri - surse neintreruptibile de putere - : UPS line-interactive, UPS on-line cu dubla conversie, UPS rackabil RM - Rack-mountable. Acumulatoare : VRLA cu durata preconizata de viata de 5 sau 10 ani ! UPS-uri monofazate si trifazate. Spectru larg de autonomie. Acumulatori UPS : 6V 3,2Ah, 6V 12Ah, 12V 1,2Ah, 12V 2,3Ah, 12V 2,8Ah, 12V 3,2Ah, 12V 5Ah, 12V 7Ah, 12V 9,5Ah, 12V 12Ah, 12V 18Ah, 12V 20Ah, 12V 28Ah, 12V 33Ah, 12V 45Ah, 12V 55Ah, 12V 60Ah, 12V 65Ah, 12V 75Ah, 12V 80Ah, 12V 90Ah, 12V 100Ah, 12V 120Ah, 12V 150Ah, 12V 200Ah, 6V 100Ah. Baterii cu gel

joi, 30 iulie 2015

Acumulator stationar 12V 7.2Ah

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Acumulator stationar vrla 12V 7.2Ah

Dimensiuni:151mm x 65mm x 94mm
Disponibilitate:In Stoc 
Garanție12 luni

Acumulatori stationari VRLA GEL sau AGM pentru tractiune, Acumulator AGM 12V 6,1A TED - Globstar - produs: Acumulator stationar VRLA 12V 6,1Ah marca TED Dimensiuni 90mm x 70mm x h98mm Borne de putere F2 de 6,3mm latime Experienta noastra de peste 22 ani, Acumulator AGM 6V 13A TED - Globstar - produs:Baterie Acumulator Solar, Calciu, Gel, AGM, Deep Cycle, VRLA, Li-ion, Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 6V 13Ah marca TED borne F1 de 4,8mm latime, Lucas CP613 GDLITE GD-613 Alien PS13-6 BSB GB13.1 Swisslite Romania cantar, telecomenzi, baterii pentru jucarii Acumulatori etansi VRLA 12V & 24V Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 12V 1,4Ah marca TED Dimensiuni 97mm x BSB GB12-1,6 RITAR RT1216 Romania pret FC12-1.6 MaxPower LP1.6-12, Alege acum un acumulator potrivit ! Avem in oferta acumulatori stationari, de tip GEL, VRLA, AGM si pentru tractiune la preturi avantajoase Acumulator etans 12V 21A TED AGM High Rate - Globstar - produs:Acumulatori stationari VRLA GEL sau AGM pentru tractiune, Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 21Ah TED Dimensiuni 181mm x 76mm x h167mm. BR1000G APC PRO 1000 UP-VW1245P1 Panasonic 6 bucati sunt necesare, Acumulator etans 12V 9,5A TED AGM - Globstar - produs:Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 9,5Ah TED TD295 borna de putere F2 6,35mm latime. Inlocuiesc vechiul model 12V 9Ah Dimensiuni 151mm x 65mm x h95mm Se, Acumulator etans 12V 7,1A TED AGM - Baterie Acumulator Solar, Calciu, Gel, AGM, Deep Cycle, VRLA, Li-ion Globstar - produs:Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 7,1Ah TED TD1271F1 borna de putere F2 6,35mm latime. Inlocuiesc vechiul model 12V 7Ah Dimensiuni 151mm x 65mm x h95mm, Acumulator AGM 6V 14,2A TED - Globstar - produs:Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 6V 14,2Ah marca TED borne F2 de 6,3mm latime, telecomenzi, baterii pentru jucarii Acumulatori etansi VRLA 12V & 24V, Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 5,8Ah de inalta calitate High Rate cu borna de putere F2 T2 6,35mm dimensiuni 90mm x 70mm x h98mm TED TD1258. Pretul este, Acumulator stationar VRLA 6V 4,2Ah marca TED Dimensiuni 70mm x 48mm x h101mm, Alien PS4.2-6 BSB GB6-4.2 Swisslite Romania cantar GDLITE GD-642 HQ telecomenzi, baterii pentru jucarii Acumulatori etansi VRLA 12V & 24V Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 5,2Ah de inalta calitate High Rate cu borna de putere F2 T2 6,35mm dimensiuni 90mm x 70mm x h98mm TED TD1252 Pretul este, Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 7.3Ah TED borna de putere F2 6,35mm latime. Inlocuiesc vechiul model 12V 7,2Ah Dimensiuni 151mm x 65mm x h95mm, Sumar: Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 12V 7,05Ah marca TED Dimensiuni 90mm x 70mm x h98mm Borne F2 de 6,3mm latime Experienta noastra, Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 18,5Ah TED. Inlocuieste vechile modele 12V 17Ah, 12V 18Ah, 12V 19Ah Dimensiuni 181mm x 76mm x h 167mm Telefonati, Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 12V 8,1Ah marca TED, Acumulatori stationari VRLA GEL sau AGM pentru tractiune, Dimensiuni 151mm x 65mm x h95mm Borne de putere F2 de 6,3mm latime Experienta noastra, Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 12V 1,4Ah marca TED Dimensiuni 97mm, CHROME BSB GB12-6,1 RITAR RT1261 Romania pret FC12-6.1 MaxPower, Acumulator etans stationar VRLA 6V 9,1Ah marca TED borne F2 de 6,3mm latime, telecomenzi, baterii pentru jucarii Acumulatori etansi VRLA 12V & 24V, Stabilizator de tensiune marca TED cu trei leduri ce reprezinta STATUS, pentru telecomenzi, baterii pentru jucarii Acumulatori etansi VRLA 12V & 24V, Glob Star Trade | Facebook › Helyek › Bukarest › Elektronikai szerviz,Acumulator etans 12V 7.1A TED - Globstar - produs: Acumulator etans 12V 7.1A TED. Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 7.1Ah TED borna F2 6,3mm latime. acumulator 12v 7ah - acumulator electric heater china acumulatori dzm 12-6 acumulator tico auto acumulator 12v 4ah 10cm 8cm 6cm accumulator acumulator gel 200ah zapp 12 v 7 ah - Acumulator Globstar 12V 7Ah RT1270 Va recomandam noul acumulatorul stationar VRLA GEL sau AGM pentru tractiune Globstar RT1270 de 12V / 7Ah / 20 Hr Dimensiunile reduse si carcasa etans si foarte, Acumulator 6v Bucuresti - Preturi importatori, producatori - Vanzare › Electrice › Baterii si Acumulatori, Acumulator Globstar 6V 12Ah RT6120 Bateriile stationare Caranda By BSB din seria GB 6-10 sunt sigilate si pot fi instalate in orice pozitie. Acumulator stationar 6V 2.9Ah TED de la Mediafun acumulator 12v

Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah Pret Promo

acumulator stationar, 12v 9ah, 12v, 9ah, acumulator 12v 9ah, acumulator stationar 12v 9ah, acumulator 12v 9 ah, baterie UPS 12V-9Ah, acumulatori 12V 9A pret 79.00 Ron, Acumulator stationar 12V / 9A - 151 x 65 x h 94mm, 12V 9Ah online,  Acumulator VRLA Ultracell 12V, 9Ah UL9-12 online la pret avantajos, Acumulator VRLA nJoy, 12V 7Ah, PW712 (8 review-uri), Acumulator VRLA Ultracell 12V, 9Ah UL9-12 79 00 Lei, Acumulator UPS Vision, 12V, 9AH, Acumulator VRLA Ultracell 12V, cu GEL 20Ah, acumulator vrla 12v, 9ah acumulator, vrla, 12v 9 ah, acumulator gel12v 9ah, 12v 9ah baterie, acumulator 12v 9ah vrla, baterie vrla 12v 9 ah

Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah VRLA

Dimensiuni:150mm x 65mm x 94mm
Disponibilitate:In Stoc
Garanție12 luni

sâmbătă, 18 aprilie 2015

Acumulator stationar gel Ultracell 12V 7 Ah 20Hr

acumulatori vrla gel 12v cele mai mici preturi, acumulator 12v 7 ah, 12v 45w 20hr, acumulator stationar ultracell 12v 9ah, acumulator ultracell, 12v 7 ah acumulatori gel, vrla, agm, tractiune, pret stationari 12v ultracell, ul 7-12, acumulator vrla plumb 12v 7ah, acumulator ups ultracell 12v 20hr, acumulator plumb ultracell 12v 9ah, acumulator stationar, baterie ups 12v 45w, fisa tehnica ultracell 12v 7a, 20hr, data sheet ultracell ul 7-12, pret acumulator vrla gel 12v 7ah, baterie ups 12v gel, ultracell batteries 12v 7 ah, best price ultracell batteries

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              Acumulator stationar Ultracell 12V 7Ah

Dimensiuni:151mm x 65mm x 94mm
Greutatea:2.1 Kg
Disponibilitate:Stoc suficient
Garanție12 luni

Utilizari: UPS, Alarme, Telecomunicatii  -  Durata de viata 5 ani

Acumulatorii Ultracell ofera un raport excelent calitate pret, si sunt alegerea perfecta pentru inlocuirea acumulatorilor uzati la echipamente UPS, telecomunicatii, alarme, sau la alte aparate ce utilizeaza acest tip de acumulator.

What is the definition of cycle use and standby?

"Cycle Use" - direct power source: This can be used for the charging and discharging of electrical equipment, which include motorbikes or even the household vacuum cleaner.

"Standby Use" - back up power. Standby use is used as a back-up source of energy. This is mainly used when there is a sudden drop in power or a power cut.

How can you check a battery's performance?
This is dependent upon the battery series; they will require different methods for checking a battery's performance.

Do deep-cycle batteries have a memory?

Unfortunately, deep-cycle battery performance reduces over time. A positive that can be pulled from this is that the deep-cycle batteries do not suffer from any memory problems as NiCd batteries can.

How can I find out the current state of my battery?

Regular battery examinations can interpret irregularities within the batteries themselves but also the charging systems. The method used to examine the electrochemistry of the battery is done through inspection of the electrolytes within the cell. Interpretation can be done through voltage readings.

How are batteries rated?

Lead acid batteries are currently only rated upon the capacity over a defined timed period.

How long can batteries last?

The life of a battery varies and it depends on a number of different factors, which include how it is charged, the temperature at which it is kept at, as well as a number of other factors.

In which situation should a deep-cycle battery be?

Deep-cycle batteries are used when more than half of the capacity of the battery is used per cycle. Deep-cycle batteries are most commonly used within electric vehicles, golf carts, electrical mobility devices and solar.

What determines the life of a VRLA battery?

Different factors determine the life of a sealed lead acid battery. These factors are temperature, rate of discharge and also the number of cycles (charges and discharges), which the battery undertakes.

Is there a difference between float and cycle applications? If so, what?

Float applications require constant charge with very occasional discharge. 

A cycle application can be charged and discharged on a regular basis.

Can overcharging damage batteries?

Overcharging is possibly the worst element for a battery. It is believed that the battery charger is this is not the case and this could cause destruction to the workings of the charger. The automatic circuits within the chargers are sensitive to a number of things, which can include: heat, direct contact with sunlight and both indirect and direct contact with electromagnetic influences, which can fail or shift the calibration of the charger. If they fail, the overcharging can affect the life of a battery. During overcharging, this can displace the currents within a battery causing oxidization, thus removing water from the electrolytes within the battery. Once removed, this is no longer active within the battery itself this will then make the battery itself become inactive. Sealed batteries are not exempt from the same problems if overcharged. In fact sealed batteries are particularly sensitive to overcharging. Unfortunately once moisture is removed from the battery; it is not possible to replace the liquid lost. Sections of the battery can sustain damage through overcharging this means that the undamaged section of any can be used and recycled if detected early enough. If overcharging occurs, correct immediately.

Can over-discharging damage batteries?

Over discharging can be a problem which can originate from insufficient battery capacity which can cause the battery to be overworked. Discharges greater than half the capacity of a cell can shorten life cycle of a battery without increasing the depth of the cycle life. Inadequate complete charging can cause symptoms of over-discharging. These are called Sulphation. This can cause a loss of battery capacity and an unusually low specific gravity. Sulphation is when sulphur from the electrolyte within the battery comes in contact with lead on the plates and in turn this forms a compound called lead-sulphate. If this condition becomes chronic, certain battery chargers will not remove the hardened sulphate. Sulphation can be removed by using a proper de-sulphation charge with manual chargers. To get this result the flooded batteries must have a charge within the parameters of 6 to 10 amps at 2.5 volts per cell this will then return them to their specific gravity rate. AGM batteries which are sealed should be brought up to 2.35 volts and then discharged to a rate of 1.75 volts per cell. This is to be repeated until the capacity of the battery has returned. Charging alternators and float battery chargers are automatic which means it can taper the rate at which the battery charges at.

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vineri, 17 aprilie 2015

Acumulator stationar gel Ultracell 12V 9Ah / 12V 45W 20Hr

acumulatori 12v cele mai mici preturi, acumulator 12v 9ah, 12v 45w 20hr, acumulator stationar ultracell 12v 9ah, acumulator ultracell, 12v 9ah acumulatori gel, vrla, Fiamm 12FGH36 - 12V 9Ah, agm, tractiune, B.B. Battery HR9-12, 12V/9Ah, pret stationari 12v ultracell, ul 9-12, acumulator vrla plumb 12v 9ah, acumulator ultracell 12v pret 68.00ron, acumulator plumb ultracell 12v 9ah, acumulator stationar Yuasa REW45-12 12v 9AH, baterie ups 12v 45w, fisa tehnica ultracell 12v 9a, 20hr, data sheet ultracell ul 9-12, pret acumulator vrla gel 12v 9ah, Baterie Effekta BT 12V-9Ah ECO-BT 12V-9Ah, acumulator PowerSonic PS-1290F2 12v 9Ah

Acumulator stationar VRLA Gel Ultracell 12V 9Ah / 20hr

Dimensiuni:L150mm x l 65mm x h 94mm
Greutatea:2,33 Kg
Disponibilitate:Stoc suficient
Garanție12 luni
Este prevazut cu borne de tip F2 (6,25 mm)

Acumulatorii Ultracell ofera un raport excelent calitate pret, si sunt alegerea perfecta pentru inlocuirea acumulatorilor uzati la echipamente UPS, telecomunicatii, alarme, sau la alte aparate ce utilizeaza acest tip de acumulator.

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Acumulator stationar 12V 5Ah Caranda pret 52.79 LEI
Acumulator stationar Vipow 12V 4Ah
Acumulator stationar 6V 10Ah Sunlight
Acumulator moto 12V 3Ah Vipow
Acumulator stationar 12V 7.2Ah F2/T2 Well
Acumulator stationar 12V 7Ah Reddot F2/T2
Acumulator stationar 6V 12Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 7Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 5Ah Well
Acumulator stationar 6V 12Ah Sunlight pret 60.41 LEI (TVA inclus) IN STOC 
Acumulator stationar 6V 10Ah Well pret 61.26 LEI
Acumulator stationar 12V 7.2Ah Well
Acumulator stationar 12V 5.5Ah BB High Rate/UPS F2/T2
Acumulator stationar 12V 7Ah Leoch LPX-High Rate/UPS F2/T2
Acumulator stationar 12V 7.2Ah Caranda pret 62.70 LEI
Acumulator stationar 12V 7Ah Ultracell
Acumulator stationar 12V 7Ah BB
 Acumulator stationar 12V 7Ah Sunlight
Acumulator stationar 12V 7.2Ah SunlightvIN STOC Cumpara acum
 Acumulator stationar Deep Cycle 12V 7.2Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar Deep Cycle 12V 7.5Ah Caranda
 Acumulator stationar 6V 12Ah BB
Acumulator stationar Vipow 6V 12Ah
Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah Leoch pret 69.01 LEI
Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah Leoch borne F2/T2 69.01 LEI
Acumulator stationar 12V 7.5Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah Reddot
Acumulator stationar 12V 6Ah BB High Rate/UPS
 Acumulator stationar MaxPower 12V 7Ah
Acumulator stationar MaxPower 12V 7,5 Ah pret 72.88 LEI
Acumulator stationar MaxPower 12V 7.5Ah
Acumulator stationar Vipow 12V 7.5Ah
Acumulator stationar 12V 7.2Ah Sunlight
Acumulator stationar 12V 6Ah Sunlight echivalent 12V 7Ah Slim NP7-12S
Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah Well pret 75.49 LEI (TVA inclus)
Acumulator stationar Deep Cycle 12V 7.5Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 8.5Ah BB High Rate/UPS HRC1234W
Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah Ultracell
Acumulator stationar Vipow 12V 9Ah
Acumulator stationar Deep Cycle 12V 9Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah 
Acumulator stationar 12V 12Ah Reddot
Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah BB High Rate/UPS pret 92.51 LEI (TVA inclus)
Acumulator stationar 12V 12Ah Leoch pret 95.00 LEI
Acumulator stationar 12V 10Ah Caranda pret 95.70 LEI
Acumulator stationar 12V 12Ah Sunlight
Acumulator stationar Vipow 12V 10Ah
Acumulator stationar 12V 7Ah Yuasa pret 107.00 LEI (TVA inclus)
Acumulator stationar 12V 12Ah Caranda pret 107.80 LEI
Acumulator stationar 12V 12Ah BB F2/T2 pret 110.20 lei
Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah BB High Rate/Long Life
Acumulator stationar 12V 7.2Ah Panasonic LC-V127R2P pret 115,00 LEI
Acumulator stationar Deep Cycle 12V 12Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 10Ah Well pret117.68 LEI (TVA inclus)
Acumulator stationar 6V 7.2Ah Panasonic LC-R067R2P pret119.24 LEI
Acumulator stationar 12V 12Ah Well
Acumulator UPS APC RBC47
Acumulator stationar Vipow 12V 14Ah pret132.58 LEI (TVA inclus)
Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah Yuasa pret140.74 LEI (TVA inclus)
Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah Panasonic UP-VW1245
Acumulator stationar 12V 18Ah Leoch
Acumulator stationar 12V 18Ah Reddot
Acumulator stationar 12V 18Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 12Ah BB
Acumulator stationar MaxPower 12V 17Ah
Acumulator stationar 12V 18Ah BB
Acumulator stationar 12V 15Ah BB High Rate/UPS F2/T2
Acumulator stationar 12V 17Ah Well
Acumulator stationar 12V 18Ah Ultracell
Acumulator moto 12V 13Ah Vipow
Acumulator stationar 12V 18Ah Sunlight
Acumulator stationar 12V 20Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 14Ah BB
Acumulator stationar Deep Cycle 12V 20Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 28Ah SLA
Acumulator stationar Vipow 12V 17Ah
Acumulator stationar 12V 12Ah Yuasa
Acumulator stationar 12V 9Ah Panasonic UP-RW1245P1
Acumulator stationar 12V 26Ah Leoch pret 219.00 LEI (TVA inclus)
Acumulator stationar 12V 22Ah BB High Rate/UPS
Acumulator stationar 12V 20Ah BB
Acumulator stationar 12V 22Ah BB High Rate/Long Life
Acumulator stationar 12V 33Ah SLA pret 246.18 LEI (TVA inclus)
Acumulator stationar 12V 28Ah BB
Acumulator stationar Deep Cycle 12V 24Ah Caranda
Acumulator solar 12V 24Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 26Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar Vipow 12V 26Ah
Acumulator stationar 12V 26Ah Sunlight
Acumulator stationar 12V 38Ah SLA
Acumulator stationar cu gel 12V 20Ah Ultracell
Acumulator stationar MaxPower 12V 26Ah
Acumulator stationar 12V 28Ah Sunlight
Acumulator stationar Vipow 12V 28Ah
Acumulator stationar Deep Cycle 12V 28Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 28Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 33Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar 12V 33Ah BB High Rate/UPS
Acumulator stationar 12V 45Ah SLA
Acumulator stationar 12V 35Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar Deep Cycle 12V 33Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar Deep Cycle 12V 33Ah Caranda
Acumulator stationar Deep Cycle 12V 35Ah Caranda

ry 12v 9ah Suppliers and Vrla Battery 12v 9ah

duminică, 22 februarie 2015

Acumulator etans 12V 8.1 Ah TED AGM - pret 64.99 ron

acumulatori etansi VRLA 12V & 24V,  acumulatoretans12V, 8 AhTEDAGM, acumulator etans stationar Globstar, GST, Ritar, Fiamm, Leoch, Well, Pilot, Panasonic, Foton, Yuasa, Sunlight, Carand,a Bosfa, BBattery, Ultracell, BIGBAT, Power Kingdom, SSB, Lucas, TD1273, FEBER, 12V, 8Ah
Acumulator etans VRLA 12V 8.1 Ah TED borna de putere F2 6,35mm latime.
Dimensiuni 151mm x 65mm x h95mm

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Acumulator de tractiune 12V 25A Sonnenschein; Acumulatori auto-moto diverse; Alimentatoare 30V/600 mA; Alimentatoare; Acumulator camera Nikon VNL 002; Acumulatori pentru aparate foto&video; Casca Ear Bud Plugz Maxell culoare alba; Casti Maxell; Bec clar cu E 27 40 W / 24 volti; Becuri, tuburi, aplice;    Incarcatoare inteligente Power Bank;    Incarcatoare inteligente Power Bank Travel;    Incarcatoare Inteligente Power Bank tip PB29;    Incarcatoare inteligente Power Bank tip III;    Incarcatoare inteligente Power Bank tip Mini;    Incarcatoare inteligente Power Bank tip Smart;    Incarcatoare inteligente Power Bank tip Rapid;    Incarcatoare inteligente Power Bank tip Audio;    Incarcatoare inteligente Power Bank tip Special;    Incarcatoare inteligente Power Bank tip Torch;    Incarcatoare inteligente Power Bank tip U-Smart;    Incarcatoare Inteligente Power Bank tip Mega;    Incarcatoare inteligente Power Bank tip USB;    SecureStart;    SecureStart MiniMax 900;    Incarcatoare inteligente;    Incarcatoare pentru Ni-Cd/Ni-MH;    Startere auto speciale;    Incarcatoare acumulatori camere    foto & video;    Lanterne premium si speciale;    Lanterne economice;    Lanterne cu acumulator;    Lanterne pentru cap;    Becuri de lanterna;    Baterii pentru ceasuri;    Baterii pentru aparate foto;    Baterii pentru telecomenzi auto;    Baterii pentru telecomenzi;    Baterii pentru aparate auditive;    Baterii Maxell din Japonia;    Baterii SANYO din Japonia;    Baterii Camelion din Germania;    Baterii VARTA din Germania;    Baterii DuraCell din SUA;    Baterii Panasonic din Japonia;    Baterii Energizer din SUA;    Baterii GP Batteries din China;    Baterii diverse marci;    Baterii alkaline;    Baterii cu Clorura de Zinc;    Baterii cu Carbon-Zinc;    Baterii Speciale;    Stabilizator monofazat SMK;    Stabilizator trifazat STK;    Casti Maxell;    Casti marci diverse;    Prelungitoare si derulatoare de retea;    Cabluri;    Cabluri date;    Cabluri coaxiale;    Cabluri telefonice si accesorii;    Cabluri USB;    Cabluri alimentare;    Cabluri alarma si incendiu;    Cabluri electrice;    Cabluri audio;    Banda electroizolanta, scotch, apa, gaze;    CD, DVD, miniDV, casete;    Becuri, tuburi, aplice;    Hartie, papetarie;    Consumabile imprimante;    Consumabile imprimante cerneala;    Consumabile imprimante toner;    Ribbon diverse modele;    Splitere;    Mufe;    Prize;    ZAP;    Varta;    Moto & Diverse;    Redresor monofazat;    Redresor trifazat; AGM UPS; AGM UXL; AGM BT; AGM FT; AGM HC; AGM HR; GEL-GEL; GEL-FT; AGM S-JS; GEL-GEL; GEL-OPzV; 6 volti; 12 volti & 24 volti;    Acumulatori industriali pentru pachete;    Acumulatori pentru telefoane fara fir;    Acumulatori pentru aparate foto&video;    Acumulatori pentru GPS, PDA, i-PAQ;    Acumulatori pentru laptopuri;    Acumulatori cu Ni-Cd;    Acumulatori cu Ni-MH;    Acumulatori pentru telefoane fara fir;    Acumulatori pentru telefoane GSM;    Acumulatori pentru aparate video;    Acumulatori pentru aparate digitale;    Acumulatori pentru laptopuri;    Acumulatori pentru jucarii;    Acumulatori pentru GPS / CD Player; Acer; Advent; Apple; Asus; Clevo; Compaq; Dell; F.I.C.; Fujitsu-Siemens; Gateway; Gericom; Hewlett Packard; IBM; Lenovo; Medion; Mitac; MSI; NEC; Packard Bell; Sony; Toshiba; Unwill;    Acumulatori Maxell din Japonia;    Acumulatori SANYO din Japonia;    Acumulatori Eneloop din Japonia SANYO;    Acumulatori Camelion din Germania;    Acumulatori VARTA din Germania;    Acumulatori DuraCell din SUA;    Acumulatori Panasonic din Japonia;    Acumulatori Energizer din SUA;    Acumulatori GP Batteries din China;    Acumulatori diverse marci;    Acumulatori Ni-MH Cilindrici;    Acumulatori Ni-MH tip Buton;    Acumulatori Ni-MH tip 9V;    Acumulatori Ni-MH Prismatici;    Acumulatori Li-ion;    Acumulatori Ni-Cd Cilindrici;    Acumulatori Ni-Cd tip 9V;    Acumulatori uzuali;    Acumulatori dedicati;    Acumulatori stationari;    Acumulatori auto-moto;    Baterii;    Lanterne  ;    Incarcatoare;    Alimentatoare;    Grupuri generatoare;    Redresoare;    Stabilizatoare de tensiune;    Invertoare;    UPS-uri;    Transformatoare 230V la 110V;    Surse de iluminat cu acumulatori;    Conectica;    Cabluri;    Casti audio;    Componente calculatoare;    Consumabile;    Diverse;    Inchirieri;    Acumulatori consumer VRLA;    Acumulatori industriali VRLA;    Acumulatori industriali OPzS;    Acumulatori stationari-etansi VRLA;    De la 230V c.a. la x volti c.c.;    Alimentatoare pentru Laptop & PDA;    De la 230V c.a. la x volti c.a.;    De la 12V c.c. la x volti c.c.;    UPS monofazat;    UPS trifazat;    UPS monofazat PC 615 N;    UPS monofazat ZP 120 LCD;    UPS monofazat LP 120;    UPS monofazat AP 160 LCD;    UPS monofazat TP 110;    UPS trifazat Sirius;    UPS trifazat Aries;    UPS trifazat Libra PRO;    UPS trifazat Must;    Motorizare;    Alternatoare;    Panouri de Comanda AMF;    Grup generator cu motor Iveco;    Grup generator cu motor Perkins;    Grup generator cu motor Deutz;    Grup generator cu motor John Deere;    Grup generator cu motor Volvo;    Grup generator cu motor Cummins;    Grup generator cu motor MTU;    Grup generator cu motor Yanmar;    Grup generator cu alternator Marreli;    Grup generator cu alternator Mecc Alte;    Grup generator cu alternator Leroy Somer;    Grup generator cu alternator Stamford;    Bernini BE 24;    Comap AMF 25 NT;    Bernini BE 42